Tuesday, January 2, 2007


9 days to go...

I suppose I should start doing something with this blog.

It has been difficult the past few weeks to even begin to prepare myself to embark on this adventure. Trying to plan everything is impossible and it barely even seems as though it will even happen.

I recently have found out where I am living in Florence (from here on Firenze) and with whom:


The link shows where I will be living in relation to the school (from here on CAPA). CAPA is located Southeast of the Duomo and North of Santa Croce. It also seems that I will be living in a rather lively and busy area of Florence as right down the street is a club called "Plasma."

Looks very classy. I am not sure I would feel comfortable walking in there the first night, even if I could afford the cover ;)

Even the bathrooms look nicer than most bars in Minneapolis....

See more pictures here...

I also have discovered my class schedule which seems to be somewhat of a dissapointment. I will have class everyday, Monday - Friday. Friday is only until 10:00 so it will be possible to catch a mid-afternoon flight or train somewhere if wanted, but I was hoping to not have class on either Monday or Friday so I could more easily travel for a few days. We'll see what happens when I get there though.

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